Doyle's Blog

CPAN Pull Request Challenge - June

For June, I was assigned Path::Resource [] which is a module for combining local file and directory manipulation with URI manipulation. It allows you to effortlessly map local file locations to their URI equivalent. I looked at the CPANTS Kwalitee [] report and noticed three core metrics that I could fix to...

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CPAN Pull Request Challenge - May

For May, I was assigned Compiler::Lexer [] which is a Lexical analyzer for Perl 5. There were a number of issues [] available and after reading through them I found an issue with an example that looks like code I've written myself many times: my @chars = split //, $what; This problem seemed straight...

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CPAN Pull Request Challenge - April

For April, I was assigned App::ModuleBuildTiny [] which is "a standalone authoring tool for Module::Build::Tiny". This module had seven ready made issues [] ripe for the picking. The oldest issue Add tests [] simply wanted some tests other than those provided by the basic...

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SSL Report

I found this awesome service [] provided by Qualsys SSL Labs. I had done a fair amount of research into strong SSL configuration after Heartbleed [], POODLE [], etc. so I was very interested to see how my system would perform. My server did very well...

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